Monday, August 27, 2012

Doors and Minds Open at Monarch Montessori of Denver Charter!

Monarch Montessori of Denver Charter officially opened their doors with a K-2 charter for families interested in an alternative to traditional learning in the Far Northeast Region of Denver.  August 14th marked an exciting day for the Monarch team and Founding families who had worked for over a year, to open this August. 

Monarch Montessori of Denver (MMDC) was approved by Denver Public Schools (DPS) in March of 2012 with only 5 months to enroll, hire and organize an authentic Montessori program for kindergarten through 2nd grade.  The school will grow a grade each year, up to 5th grade, but if you ask Principal, Nancy Radkiewicz about Monarch’s future, she is hoping to see the program ‘grow though middle school’.

Monarch Montessori of Denver Charter is the very first Montessori Charter in DPS. Great excitement exists around offering a program that usually comes with a price tag that rivals college tuition, but Monarch is free!  The student population at Monarch is a beautiful mix of diversity coming from all over the Denver area, Commerce City and Aurora too.

The Montessori Teaching method is self- paced, hands-on learning style that is taught by teachers specially trained. The community environment began from day one with students working independently and together as they learned their first Montessori lessons. 

The highly educated and talented team of teachers that Ms. Radkiewicz has put together comes with 115 years of combined experience teaching Montessori.  Two of the classrooms have interns from Montessori Educational Center of the Rockies (MECR). They have completed their methods course work and now must complete one year as an intern to become certified.

Monarch knows they have a true gem and day one proved that fact.  They know that in years to come, Monarch will be THE sought after school that the Far North East Region needed.

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